Wednesday, June 28, 2006

IQ Test

Saya tidak pernah percaya pada IQ Test. Tambahan pula, sahabat saya sahaja telah mampu mendapat mata IQ yang lebih tinggi daripada Einstein!

Bagaimana mungkin IQ Test ini mampu menilai darjat kepandaian seseorang. Kerana jika ianya tepat, maka, orang yang paling genius di muka bumi ini tentulah pembuat soalan IQ test itu!

Namun, saya hairan bagaimana sesetengah orang boleh begitu percaya pada test-test "ghazwul fikri" sebegini. Dulu, company saya begitu percaya sekali pada "Harrison Inerview Job Suitability Profiling Test". Ada pula orang, dengan begitu bangga sekali mengumumkan darjat IQ-nya sebagai 117 (Precision Processor), konon beliau genius sangat.

Persoalan IQ Test ni sering kali saya bahaskan dalam ceramah-ceramah saya, hanya menanti masa untuk merealisasikan impian untuk mentransferkannya ke bentuk artikel. Surah Ali Imran[3]:190-191 adalah "main dalil" yang akan sering saya gunakan.

Walau bagaimana pun, dek kerana tension dengan bebanan kerja yang harus saya siapkan hari ini (10 drawing untuk saya review..banyak (sangat) tu!!), saya merilekskan minda mencuba IQ test tu. Just suka-suka. Di bawah keputusannya:

You scored 133 on Tickle's IQ test. This means that based on your answers, your IQ score is between 123 and 133.
Most people's IQs are between 70 and 130.
In fact, 95% of all people have IQs within that range. 68% of people score between 80 and 120.

Your Intellectual Type Is:

You've got a very experiential way of learning and a strong mathematical mind. You're able to whittle even the most complex situation down to comprehensible component parts. In short, you have mastered the art and science of precision. That's what makes you a Precision Processor. For you, life is a series of equations. Your brain is naturally predisposed to intense mathematical acuity, and your understanding of numerical problems is unparalleled. It's second nature for you to cut to the heart of an issue, so that you can discover quick solutions to problems while others get bogged down in unnecessary details.

One Precision Processor that comes to mind is the Greek philosopher-mathematician, Pythagoras. Pythagoras had a mind for numbers and, as such, could come up with previously unknown theories like his method for calculating the sides of a right triangle (a2+b2=c2). You too, can use numbers to translate aspects of the world around you — something that doesn't come easily to everyone. Your quick mathematical mind will allow you to communicate a variety of ideas to other people, so don't keep it to yourself. Precision Processors can apply their mathematical skills to any situation involving numbers. That's a talent that will come in handy for everything from the workplace to splitting a bill 12 ways to converting foreign currency in your head. Others often look to you to do the math and luckily, you're well equipped

Dan macam-macam lagi komen.... Namun, saya masih tidak percaya pada IQ test. Doakan artikel-artikel saya yang tergendala dapat saya siapkan...

Idea untuk saya jadikan artikel: Daun (masalah keTuhanan)
IQ Test (ngarut semuanya)
dan lain-lain

Faridul: 117..apa yang nak dibanggakan?


Blogger Imran al-Malizi said...

drp buat ujian IQ.
lebih baik buat ujian darah.. lepas tu terus menderma darah. ada jugak faedah. heheh.

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


tahniah coz dpt jd islamic engineer,sy mmg respek ngan orng mcm saudara,bkn semua orng dpt buat,

mg keje2 di jln ALLAH dn da'wah dpt d truskan...

3:47 PM  

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